
Портативные аппараты и испарители для ингаляционной анестезии

Александр Берлин

Academic Publishing

Портативные аппараты и испарители для ингаляционной анестезии

Александр Берлин

Ингаляционная анестезия и минимизация аппаратуры для расширения ее применения в неотложных ситуациях и некомфортных условиях (скорая помощь, удаленные регионы, военно-полевые условия, техногенные катастрофы, ветеринария). Рассмотрены физика и конструкция стабилизированных испарителей низкого сопротивления «МИНИВАП», схема и работа построенных на их основе портативных аппаратов ингаляционной анестезии «Колибри». Благодаря низкому сопротивлению и стабильности дозирования анестетиков, самый маленький испаритель «МИНИВАП-20/I» (400 г) и самый мощный -«МИНИВАП-20/S» (до 10 об.% севофлюрана) обеспечивают эффективное обезболивания взрослых и детей, а также животных (от мышки до лошади) в операционной и экстренных ситуациях.

Portable Vaporizers and Machines for Inhalation Anesthesia

Alexander Berlin

The main problems of inhalation anesthesia may be solved by using a more perfect vaporizer that would be accurate as a plenum vaporizer, simple and low-resistant as a draw-over one. The new low-resistance vaporizers “MINIVAP” (“Pocket” 400 g / stainless steal & 300 g / Titanium and “Universal”), which are capable of dosing out anesthetics in the flow range of 0.2-15 L/min just like plenum vaporizers. The book considers characteristic features of portable Anesthesia Machines “Colibri” based on the above vaporizers, related to Breathing Circles, saving of anesthetics and gases, Auto-Analgesia and compatibility with medical Gas sources (Mixers) and Automatic Ventilators. Due to the low-resistance and virtual independence from fresh gas flow rate, temperature and ambient pressure, “MINIVAP” vaporizers are instantly adaptable to needs of on-site emergency surgery, military and urgent situations, remote areas, veterinary anesthesia and more sophisticated demands of a general/district hospital. The smallest vaporizer “MV-20/I” and the most powerful “MV-20/S” (up to 10 vol% of Sevoflurane) provide effective anesthesia for adults and children as well and animals (from mouse to a horse).

Portable Vaporizers and Machines for Inhalation Anesthesia

Alexander Berlin

Victoria Lyublinskaya. Translator and proofreader

Academic Publishing

Low-Resistance Precision Vaporizers
A.Z. Berlin | Engineer
5/8 Kley-Shir St., POB 3094, Karney Shomron, 44855 Israel


Draw-over vaporizers pose an alternative to plenum vaporizers in emergency situations and in remote areas despite the low precision of the former.
The instability of the existing draw-over vaporizers stems from the significant difference of flow regimes and geometry of bypass and vapor channels. This difference causes a dramatic dependence of the splitting ratio on the total gas flow. At low gas-flow rates through the vaporizer, the rate of chamber flow through control valves is comparable with the rate of secondary gas flows arising from non-uniform density, variations of pressure and instant velocity during artificial or spontaneous ventilation and because of other disturbing factors.

Испарительная камера в виде криволинейного канала

Гидродинамический расчет испарительной камеры в виде криволинейного канала

А. З. Берлин, И. Ф. Зенков

"Новости медицинской техники"
1979 вып.5 сс. 43-45


Laminar air stream (Re~10³) in a flat curvilinear channel has been studied. Approximate solution of the equations for boundary layer was obtained on the basis of integral relationship of the pulses taking into consideration the centrifugal secondary flows.
Geometry of the curvilinear channel comprising a diffuser and a spiral channel with constant cross section was computed. This curvilinear channel is an effective vaporizing chamber for an anesthetic apparatus.

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